Zborg Winter Updates

  • Update to borg_recover() so a vampire borg can rest to heal more frequently. There was an issue with him only resting during certain times of the day.
  • The borg needed a slight fix to the attack mode 0, which is resting on a grid waiting for a monster to approach.
  • A hungry borg in munchkin mode might want on the stairs to recoop his HP, eventually leading to a starvation death.
  • The borg will skip the jump_into_hall() maneuver if the summoner is a pass_wall or kill_wall monster. They tend to foil the purpose of the routine.
  • Vampires will not be held to the restock food requirements like other races. This includes those with the vampire mutation.
  • Borg_attack() modified so he can target grids without a BORG_VIEW flag.
  • The borg was trying to enchant his swap armour at the fighter guild, which is fine except the item was an artifact amulet. I added a control to make sure swap rings and amulets are not enchanted.
  • Borg was slighting miscalculating the projected path of a monsters bolt attack with respect to the bolt passing through other monsters.
  • Mindcrafter borgs are not given any power points for damage of their weapons.
  • Removed the random considerations from the mindcratfer spells. There was a random check in the attack routines which would cause the attack being considered to fail. It was designed to introduce a random element to the attacks.
  • Removed the fear_regional[][] from borg_danger() if the borg is deeper than depth 70 (it had been 80).
  • Made sure that the borg was not going to swap out his inventory for non-id’d stuff that clearly wont improve his station. If he has a known unique, he should not trade out for a {good},{excellent}, or {terrible} item.
  • Slight boost for gaining higher speed. I had to smooth out the scale a bit.
  • Taught the borg to recharge his healing rods at the shop in town. Additionally, he will rest to recharge the Rod of Healing in town since he can pay to recharge it.
  • Reduced the tremendous bonus for spell casters reaching 0% fail rate. It was too high.
  • Added a couple more cases which will limit the borg’s intereptation of the monster’s expected flow pattern. RF1_FRIENDS like to ambush in rooms, etc.
  • Although the mindcrafter spell of Pulverise of awesome, it does not do enough damage against the high level uniques so the borg will prefere Mindwave when fighting uniques.
  • The use of the Shoot’N’Scoot will be limited if the borg is in a anti-summon corridor.
  • The borg was crushing scrolls of Acquirement (if he was at full inventory).
  • Game Change: The killing of Amberites could set off a chain of curses. The result could be absolutely insane. It was easy to have the following curses: Earthquake, Mana Blast, Teleport, Summon 13 High Demons. Surprisingly, after killing Eric, I encountered each of those in one round. That is just way too over powered for killing an Amberite. If killing an Amberite carries that much risk, then they should have some incredible drops (like 100% chance to drop a randart).
  • The racial thrust attacks (vampire blood suck) will not be considered if the monster is currently invulnerable.
  • The PSI_DRAIN attacks were not being considered if the monster was invulnerable. But thankfully, the spell does absorb mana even if it doesn’t do damage. The borg now recognizes the benefit of using the spell against an invulnerable guy.
  • Mindcrafters will not be granted bonus points for the damage calculations on their swap weapon (since they don’t attack with one).
  • The will not be allowed to crush his rod of recall to make space for an item he wants to pickup.
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2 Responses to Zborg Winter Updates

  1. Orrus says:

    Can you recommend a download link to the best compatible version of Zangband for your latest Borg? With Zangband 240 win, the Borg exe displays a blank main menu.

    I am able to run the Borg in Zangband 2.7.4b. But, it often gets stuck in corners, overflows commands, and gets stuck buying & selling scrolls. It doesn’t have all your nice improvements.


  2. apwhite says:

    If you check zangband.org, there is a list of ftp sites. I used ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/games/Angband/Variant/ZAngband/

    On the zborg page, I will add an official archive of the source.

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