May Updates for Zborg

  • borg_wear_stuff(): Borg was correctly swapping for a backup but the next round he would return to his old armor.  I added a brief delay to keep him from looping.
  • borg_update_map() when old_wall != new_wall: While tunneling, the borg was overwriting cost of borg_data_flow->data[y][x] when he discovered a new wall grid.  This effectively caused him to cease his tunneling and forced him to create a new overlapping tunnel.  This bug might also be in the vanilla borg.
  • borg_defend_aux_glyph():  Borg needed to be able to cast a glyph if sitting in an A-S corridor, waiting for a monster.  The borg_defend_aux_rest() was returning a 200 point value, so the glyph needed to be higher than that.
  • borg_update_map(): the borg was looping on glyph creating when the ‘object resists the spell,’ and the object was an item.  This was, in part, due to the borg stealing his grid info from the game (if he were not blind).  So the FEAT_BROKEN was bring overwritten by the actual grid FEAT.  The FEAT_BROKEN was allowed to persist.
  • borg_perma_aux_glyph(): borg was casting glyphs in normal corridors.  This routine is specific for A-S corridors, so I added a goal check to make sure GOAL_DIGGING was active.
  • borg_defend_aux_rest(): if the borg had been sitting on the level for a while, and he was in the proper A-S corridor, he might bug out of the corridor.  Fixed that.
  • Borg found the sword ‘Twightlight’ and kept trying to decurse it.  It has the TY_CURSE so it can’t be decursed.
  • The borg knows how to use the town shops to enchant his gear.  He will now use those shops to enchant his swap items as well.  The current gear has priority over his swap items.
  • The borg was not recognizing the artifact flags for the randart items.
  • I try not to change the settings for the actual game, just the borg.  But I found that a character with Wraithform can be crushed by an earthquake.  That should not be so.  I corrected that game bug.
  • Had to fix a game crash bug where the game was calling an out of bounds grid during update_view().  I added a bounds check.
  • I added better support for the borg recognizing items dropped by a quest monster.  He will treat them as better items and try to ID them promptly and not crush them until they are ID’d.


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4 Responses to May Updates for Zborg

  1. eMeM says:

    Hello! Are you going to work on Vanilla again any time soon? 3.2.0 seems to have a memory bug.

    • apwhite says:

      I sure could. I have been wrapped up in the Zborg since I play that version of the game more often than the others. What issues with 320 have you seen? I’d be happy to take a look at it.

  2. eMeM says:

    In 3.2.0 memory use grows rapidly. In few hours there’s no memory left. It’s easy to see this problem in task manager when borg is running without delay option set. AFAIR older versions could run forever on my old desktop with low memory. What about newer stable versions?

  3. Claudio de Biasio says:

    Hi, it’s just a very quick note to let you know that I immensely appreciate your work, since I’ve been playing rogue-like games since I was a kid, back in the old 80s. I’m a 46 yo analyst programmer, and I still grow excited when I admire a borg exploring those dungeons and defeating monsters I’d really have problems to deal with. Beautiful piece of software! Thank you again for letting us all play thanks to the time and expertise that you imbued into this project!!!

    Claudio de Biasio from Italy
    Galadreydel, lvl 47 F High Elf Mage

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