July updates for Angband 320

  • No Banishment on Unique if injury >= 85%
  • No flow through rubble for monsters
  • Tarrasque is a scary guy if I don’t have RDisn
  • If the borg needs to recharge a rod, and the no_rest_prep counter is set, that counter will be reduced to zero, enabling the borg to rest to recharge the rod.
  • Crush_junk will consider more things junky after depth 40.
  • Borg needed an efficiency enhancement on how he was calculating the monster flow and anti-summoning corridors
  • Shoot’N’Scoot was taking place when he should have been resting on the grid.  The ShootN’Scoot will now consider the same criteria as defend_aux_rest().
  • Shoot’N’Scoot was mis-indentifying certain types of hallway configurations.
  • The borg was having trouble using strcmp() and locating Khamul in the unique list, this was due to the LATIN-1 change to Khamul’s name with is now Kham[^u]l.  I modified the old scanning routine to a slower one, but it won’t miss anyone due to the name changes.
  • Shoot’N’Scoot will not be called if the borg is fighting a unique.  Quite frequently the borg will phase door out of the way then lose the unique in the twisting passages.  This will allow the borg to go toe to toe with the uniques.
  • Sometimes the inventory items would be destroyed in combat and that message could cause the borg to believe a monster generated it.
  • The borg keeps swap items for reducing the danger when fighting certain monsters.  He will now consider the benefit of the additional damage granted from using the swap.  He will consider swapping for greater damage when fighting a unique or a summoner.  He does not allow the additional damage cloud his judgement on the protection offered by the original weapon.
  • Sometimes the borg would attempt to flow through a monster.  This is not always a good idea.  So certain controls were placed on it.
  • The borg will not attempt to dig a tunnel if a monster has LOS on him.  If he has a spell of S2M, then he will be allowed to tunnel.
  • Borg was losing track of some monsters in a throng.  Needed to make some fixes to how the borg can locate these missing monsters.
  • The borg_heal() routine needed another tweak on when it would cast a heal spell.  If battling monsters who are deeply wounded, he needed to be more likely to cast a heal and finish up the fight.
  • Some monsters who can ‘push past’ or ‘trample’ other creatures were inducing a fear_region because the borg was not recognizing their move action.
  • The borg encounters *Heal* pots along his journey.   Some he uses, some he stores.  He will now store all he finds in order to reduce the time spent scumming them at dangerous depths.  He needs to have a certain number before attempting to take on Morgoth and Sauron.  He may spend 100,000 turn at dept 95 looking for *Heal* pots.  This is a pretty dangerous place.  The fewer turns he spends there, the better off he will be.
  • Added the ’embedding in rock’ as a monster death message.
  • No using of Teleport Level if during Questor Combat
  • No using Earthquake during Questor Combat.  We don’t want Sauron embedding in the rock when he is down to only 5% health.
  • Borg was trying to recall to town to Restock during his fight with Morgoth.  Borg will now not be able to leave questor combat for a restock.
  • At the endgame, the borg will visit his house to buy stuff prior to visiting the store.  The concern is he might fill the inventory with shop items when he ought to be filling it with the stuff he had been saving for the endgame (ie, Life potions).
  • The borg will be a bit more careful about restoring his stats during questor combat.  In particular, he will keep an eye on the encumbrance induced slowness.
  • There is a weird bug when the borg is weilding two elemental rings and he tries to activate one.  The borg will just hang on one of two errors (illegal object choice, and invalid target).  The error was related to an older parsing keypresss related to wearing two rings and chosing to wear the ring on to finger ‘c’.  That particular peice of code is not needed anymore (I’m pretty sure).  So I eliminated it.  If there are some borgs that are acting freaky with respect to equipping rings, let me know.
  • A borg wearing elemental rings might collect too many Resist Heat/Cold potions.
  • The borg uses a parameter called full_damage when calculating danger.  Basically, it works to calculate the maximal damage possible from a certain spell, versus the likelihood of the spell being cast.  Sometimes, when the borg is low on hitpoints it is better for him to play it safe and set the full_damage as true.
  • The borg won’t use Teleport Other on uniques that are wounded (down to only 35%).
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