Important fixes for sync and Call Light

Very important fixes to help complete the 341 borg. After these fixes, the 341 should be working really well. I am still keeping a close eye on it each day, spotting buggy behavior.  The next major issue to tackle is the failure of the unhook.  Frequently, when the borg is combat, tapping the keyboard will not unhook the borg.  This can be a real problem if the screensaver-borg was running.

  • The borg has been getting out of sync with the game quite a bit with version 341. I have not traced down the source. He must be making a keypress which is not expected under certain circumstances. I found one instance where the borg will indicated that he is dropping one item from a stack, but when he drops the last item he wants to indicated ‘1’ for the quantity. The game assumes only one is dropped so the 1 keypress gets him out of sync. There must be other situations like this and I’m trying to catch them.
  • Version 341 introduced a problem with the “-more-” message being cut to “-more”. This can be reproduced by k’rushing (squelching) the magic book of Incantations and Illusions. This upset the way the borg was parsing the screen and caused him to get out of sync.  I am pretty sure this was the source of the sync errors.
  • The borg was not illuminating rooms due to a port issue in borg_update_map(). He should have been using CAVE_GLOW instead of FEAT_LIGHTING_BRIGHT.
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4 Responses to Important fixes for sync and Call Light

  1. Anders says:

    I’ve downloaded and tried the borg a few times now, it seems to work nicely! Just one small things I noticed: 1) The borg always (b)ashes down doors, I think it should work better to (t)unnel them, less danger and in real games often less rounds as well.

  2. Anders says:

    I have now come across a “failure to unhook” problem twice. Both times the borg has been reading an enchant scroll in town and for some reason gets an “illegal object choice” back. From what I can see it looks like he is doing the right thing (“/” and “b” to enchant the shooter) but it doesn’t work so he tries again and again and I can’t unhook him.

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